Have you ever read something so contrary to what you believe that you just had to stop reading? This happened to me a few days ago, while reading The Right Way to Fight by Amy Gallo in an HBR publication.
In the piece, she paraphrased an “expert” who advised that “regardless of the nature of the quarrel, try to leave your emotions at the door.”
That is not the way that human beings work.
I never met anyone who can check their emotions at the door. Your emotions and feelings are always there with you; the only question is how you navigate them.
Leaving your emotions at the door is an outdated concept. Emotions continually manifest in the body and you have to work with them rather than subdue, control or ignore them. Recognize them, observe them and channel them in a positive way… keeping in mind your purpose.
But never fall into the futile task of leaving them behind.
And just for the record, yes, that piece made me mad. Because, like you, I have emotions.