Take Back Control of Your Wellbeing and Performance.

You can’t always control your circumstances, but you can always control your response.

In my workshops I share evidence-based steps to help you get back in control of your work and your life. You will learn simple practices to succeed while eliminating unnecessary stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and burnout. 

You will learn how to control and manage your energy, your attention and your time.

You can have full access to your power, to your potential, to make a change in your life and impact the lives of your family, your team, and your organization.

You can have control, choice, and agency in any and every given moment.

Let’s make that shift happen.

Gautam has been virtually providing me and my team such engaging sessions throughout the pandemic. He connects deeply and helps provide a calmness we all so desperately need in a time of such great uncertainty, complexity and challenge.
— Mark Klein, Global Chief Strategy Officer, Deloitte

Impact & Results

Less stress, more control

Less struggle, more confidence

More engagement, more resilience

More effective teaming, more inspiring leadership

Workshop Topic #1:

TAKE BACK CONTROL How to take back control of your wellbeing and performance

The Take Back Control workshop is the fastest way to get professionals back on track to delivering peak performance. The workshop teaches skills to take back control of your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Professionals learn advanced stress management strategies and practices to take back control and to navigate high-stress, urgent challenges. They also participate in an exercise to reframe and respond to persistent challenges.

Who is this for?

  • Leaders, Managers, and Professionals across all levels

  • Participants could be from a team, a business unit or an office location

Workshop Outcomes

  • Less susceptible to stress, anxiety, and burnout

  • Experience a greater sense of control in daily lives

  • Grow skills and mindset to be more resilient

  • Work better with others and contribute to team effectiveness

  • Experience better work life balance

Workshop Outline

  • Stress management strategies

  • Navigate high-stress, urgent challenges

  • Respond to persistent challenges

  • Implementation practice and Q&A

As a result of the workshop, professionals will experience less stress and more control. If professionals are in control of their wellbeing and performance, they make an impact and create value for their team.

Workshop Topic #2:

THE ADAPTIVE LEADER How team leaders catalyze greater team performance

Team leaders and managers have a challenging role as they they get squeezed managing expectations of multiple stakeholders. They work longer hours, late into the nights and weekends and that heavy workload leads to stress, anxiety, and burnout.

This workshop is designed to support team leaders to be more engaging, empowering, and inspiring. They are introduced to the mindset, skills, and tools to adapt and be a more effective, and efficient team leader.

Who is this for?

  • Vice Presidents, Directors, Senior Managers and Managers

  • Milestone training or for members for a business unit

Workshop Outcomes

  • Readiness and confidence to meet daily complex challenges

  • More focus and less susceptible to constant interruptions and distractions

  • Sustain higher levels of productivity even during stressful, uncertain times

  • Enable higher levels of engagement and motivation on teams

Workshop Outline

  • Adaptive resilience strategies

  • Lead with purpose

  • Unlock connection on teams

  • Implementation practice and Q&A

As a result of the workshop, team leaders will experience less struggle and more confidence and be better at leading themselves and leading others.

What included in the workshops?

  • An inspiring 60-75 minute learning experience for leaders, managers and professionals

  • A safe and empowering space for participants to engage in learning and growth

  • Evidence-based content and practices for wellbeing, performance, and leadership

  • Guided practice and exercises for participants to experience and try the skills

  • Collaborative design to customize for your organization and debrief to sustain impact

  • Guided practices and exercises for participants to experience the skills

  • A kickoff video and handout with takeaways and practices

Note: Both workshop topics can also be delivered as a 45-60 minute keynote for your event.

Gautam understands how high performing professionals experience the work environment, because he has lived it himself. His work is grounded in that understanding.
— Selina Ip, Senior Managing Director, Deloitte

Gautam helps leaders, managers, and professionals take back control of their wellbeing and performance so they can flourish in the workplace.

He teaches leaders and managers how to lead themselves and lead others—essential tools for performance and collaboration. He helps them adapt to stress and sustain high performance amidst the pressures of work and life.

Gautam has led workshops at organizations like Dropbox, Deloitte, PwC, Gartner, Wayfair, and Harvard Business School.

His unique expertise - 20 years in management consulting, a Harvard MBA, and a mindfulness teacher - allows him to lead transformative experiences skillfully and empathetically.

Gautam is a very skilled facilitator. He knows what it takes to do the work to step back, evaluate priorities and bring new practices into daily life. I highly recommend it!
— Yuki Horiguchi, Dropbox

Are you ready to take back control?

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